Canada Tour
Discovering the love of God has ever been a true source of healing. After surviving the suicide of my son Micah, I have become a “travelling author”. From coast to coast, I have walked the streets of more than three hundred Canadian cities to bring comfort to thousands of people who have been wounded and scarred by the many difficulties of life.
Thousands of faces stream by in my head, thousands of stories of suffering, of grief, and of suicide, living in my memory. Because of this tragedy, the death of my own son, I had wanted to break the barriers of language, of political prejudice, break the barriers of my own misery in order to take the hand of my neighbour. And I will never regret it.
I looked death in the face every day of my long journey. I saw it every day in the eyes of parents and young people who suffer the loss of their loved ones. I looked death in the face and saw that everything crumbles before it. There is no consolation, no religion, no philosophy that can place a balm on the wound it inflicts. There is only one way to deal with the cold face of death and that is to look into the loving face of God.
Thousand Villages Tour
Since May 2005, I have started a provincial tour during which I am committed to visit personally each home, in more than 1000 villages of Quebec.
Summer or winter, rain or snow, I knock at the door of every home, every heart, to offer a little bit of hope, of faith, of love. To this day : 903 villages and 74 cities have been visited.
(Published in the Decision magazine (November 2019), from the BGEA)
Uashteu, Faith and light from the heart of the First Peoples of Quebec is a collection of stories written by members of the eleven First Nations of Quebec.
We have given over 20 000 free copies of the book Uashteu to every home of the 56 First Nations communities of Quebec.
Thank you to the Chiefs of the various communities, to those who gave financially to make this project possible and to all team members. May God bless you all.
A little help
Any questions about our ministry? Please call 1.888.868.0404 or email:
We are a charity organization and we offer tax deduction receipts for any donation. Our financial support comes from the generosity of givers, churches, corporations and fund raising activities. You are free to make a donation, to give us a little help. All check must be must be made to:
Le Groupe Jaspe
C.P. 807, Magog (Qc) J1X 5C6
To see our financial reports click on the link below :
Canada Revenue Agency
Le Groupe Jaspe
Registration Number: 868402546RR0001